MoliCare Premium Slip is being replaced by MoliCare Premium Elastic

Watch this video to learn more:


MoliCare Premium Elastic is the new evolution in continence care, making application quick and easy.


MoliCare Premium Elastic - Features


Additional information

To help with this change, the following links contain information on what MoliCare Premium Elastic product is right for you, tips on application, fitting and continence care.



What does this mean for you?

MoliCare Premium Slip is being replaced by MoliCare Premium Elastic. If you are currently using MoliCare Premium Slip, you will soon start to receive MoliCare Premium Elastic.

Additional benefits


MoliCare Premium Slip vs MoliCare Premium Elastic

MoliCare Premium Slip vs MoliCare Premium Elastic

Download the Equivalence Chart to find what is the MoliCare Premium Elastic compared to your current MoliCare Premium Slip.

You may notice some pack and carton quantities have changed and this may change the total price of your orders, although prices per pad are the same.


Application videos

Short videos to help guide you how to apply MoliCare Premium Elastic.

Application when in a lying position

Application when in a standing position


Fitting guides:

Clear and simple guides to help you achieve the right fit.

Fitting guide when in a laying position

Fitting guide when in a lying position

Fitting guide when in a laying position

Fitting guide when in a lying position



Application tips and troubleshooting:

Fitting guide when in a laying position

Lying position

Fitting guide when in a laying position

Standing position



Order a FREE sample today

MoliCare Premium Slip vs MoliCare Premium Elastic

Elastic side panels enable flexible sizing. You may notice a slight change in the size you require. Ensure you have the right product to fit you.

Order a free sample today.


Learn more about continence care for loved ones

Find tips on continence care, continence products, the impact of incontinence on the skin and where to find help.

Download the booklet in your preferred language.

MoliCare Premium Slip vs MoliCare Premium Elastic


* Leak proof security

** The reduction from 4 to 2 tapes (one for each side) combined with no side panels in the front, simplifies the application, by reducing the application steps from 8 to 4 compared to a traditional slip with 4 side panels and 4 tapes. Additionally, due to the elasticated side panels, there is less adjustment needed

*** Laboratory report about ergonomic evaluation of MoliCare® variants A+B incontinence products. Research conducted between 5-8 October 2015 in Dijon, France.

**** W. Schneider, H. Mutschler, R. Haller, C. le Mathe. Comparison with a slip having 4 side panels and 4 tapes