Skin Care

Pressure Injuries: Know the Risks and How to Prevent Them

Also known as bed sores and decubitus ulcers, pressure injuries are wounds that can occur when there is a lack of blood flow to an area of skin. The people at greatest risk of pressure injuries are those who are frail or have underlying health conditions that confine them to a chair or bed.

Also known as bed sores and decubitus ulcers, pressure injuries are wounds that can occur when there is a lack of blood flow to an area of skin. The people at greatest risk of pressure injuries are those who are frail or have underlying health conditions that confine them to a chair or bed. This risk is further increased if an individual is incontinent. However, there are steps you can take to help protect yourself or someone you are caring for – from developing pressure injuries.

What are pressure injuries and what causes them?

Pressure Injuries are areas of damaged skin and underlying tissue that can occur on various places on the body when there is prolonged pressure on the skin. These wounds most commonly occur on skin covering bony parts of the body, such as:

  • Heels,
  • Ankles,
  • The Back,
  • Elbows,
  • Shoulders,
  • Hips and,
  • Buttocks.

You may first notice a patch of skin that is a different colour and might be warmer or cooler to the touch. A pressure injury can begin to develop if we do not change our body position regularly and our body weight can restrict blood flow. When blood flow to an area of skin is restricted, the tissue just beneath the surface of the skin starts to break down. Friction and pulling on this skin, plus moisture, can then increase the risk of this tissue breakdown developing into wounds.

The risk of pressure injury increases if you are incontinent. Incontinence adds stress to the skin and can result in Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD) Excess moisture caused by repeated exposure to urine and faeces, plus frequent washing, compromises the skin’s integrity. What starts as irritation can quickly become inflamed and then infected. If IAD is present, the risk of developing a pressure injury increases by 37.5%1.

What can you do to prevent pressure injuries?

Proper skin care is essential in preventing pressure injuries. Regular moisturising helps maintain skin integrity and elasticity, reducing the risk of skin breakdown. It’s advisable to apply moisturiser at least twice daily, especially after bathing or showering2. Additionally, keeping the skin clean and dry is crucial to prevent moisture-associated skin damage which can lead to pressure injury. Gentle pH-balanced cleansers should be used and avoid harsh scrubbing of the skin. Refrain from over-bathing as this can dry out the skin, making it more susceptible to injury.

Preventing pressure injury can also come from protecting bony prominences with barriers and padding to help safeguard areas prone to pressure injuries, such as the heels, elbows, and sacrum. Using specialised support surfaces, like pressure-relieving mattresses or cushions, can significantly reduce the risk by evenly distributing weight and minimising prolonged pressure on any one area. Conducting regular skin assessments, particularly on bony prominences, allows for early detection of pressure injuries, enabling timely interventions.

A balance of regular assessment, cleanliness and skin hydration is key. By incorporating these practices into a daily routine, the risk of pressure injuries can be significantly reduced, promoting overall skin health.

What products can help prevent pressure injuries?

Experts recommend using a skin-friendly, pH-balanced cleanser; a moisturiser formulated to maintain moisture balance; and products that protect the skin from damage caused by excess moisture and friction3.

The MoliCare® Skin range is an easy-to-use, holistic solution; formulated to promote and protect the integrity of the skin. These are some of the MoliCare Skin products that can help you prevent skin damage and improve overall skin health:

  • MoliCare® Skin Moist Skin Care Tissues– Regular washing with soap and water can further weaken skin integrity already undermined by restricted blood flow. The MoliCare® Skin range of No Rinse products will gently cleanse sensitive skin without needing to use water. MoliCare® Skin Moist Skin Care tissues are an easy-to-use, no-rinse tissue impregnated with pH-balanced lotion.

  • MoliCare® Skin Cleansing Foam is another MoliCare® Skin no-rinse product that helps to prevent the damage caused by frequent washing by cleaning stressed skin gently and effectively to reduce irritation.

  • MoliCare® Skin Wash Gloves are the perfect convenient solution for cleaning those who have difficulties showering or are confined to a bed. These no-rinse gloves clean gently without irritating the skin.

  • MoliCare® Skin Body Lotion – A moisturiser specifically designed to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin to keep the skin hydrated for longer. The MoliCare Skin Body Lotion is designed to not only moisturise the skin but also enhance its protective barrier function and aid in cell regeneration.

  • MoliCare® Skin Protection Foam and MoliCare® Skin Barrier Cream are also formulated to stimulate the skin’s own protective barrier function. This is particularly important in preventing pressure injury when skin is already damaged with incontinence. Strengthening the skin’s natural protection makes it more difficult for external irritants to penetrate and cause infection, helping to keep the skin healthy and prevent pressure injuries from developing.



  1. Pathology - E-Book: Implications for the Physical Therapist Catherine C. Goodman, Kenda S. Fuller-2014
  2. Carville K, Leslie G, Osseiran-Moisson R et al (2014) The effectiveness of a twice-daily skin-moisturising regimen for reducing the incidence of skin tears. Int Wound J 11: 446-53
  3. Haesler, (2018) Evidence Summary: Skin care to reduce the risk of pressure injury. Wound Practice & Research pp 4-11.